Discover What Makes YOUR Body Thrive

As a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, I take a foundations first approach with nutrition, specializing in lingering digestive concerns, autoimmune disease, and blood sugar dysregulation. Through detailed questionnaires, assessments, and the option of lab testing I’m able to get a deeper understanding of your specific health and lifestyle needs, and support you at the most foundational level. I always consider YOUR bio-individual needs as there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to our health.

I always begin with an initial visit and follow-up. Once I have a better idea of what your goals and needs are, we can come up with a plan. If we decide to run labs, those are an additional cost.

*There is a difference between a healing protocol and a lifestyle protocol. Change takes time and healing isn’t always a linear journey. I’ll be going on the journey with you. My intention is to do what I can to help you thrive.


Food is always going to be the first line of defense when correcting nutrient deficiencies. I like to think about supplements as a booster or for some people even a necessity. You may live in a place where you simply don’t have access to foods that offer the nutrients your body needs. Or you eat all the right foods but your body isn’t absorbing them properly because of things like celiac or intestinal permeability (a.k.a. leaky gut). And there’s the fact that we live in a more stressful world than our grandparents lived in, and our bodies just need more support.

The supplements I recommend are high quality targeted supplements that go along with a specific protocol. Please keep in mind that you can’t out supplement an unhealthy diet.

Initial Visit and Follow Up

During your first visit, we’ll have a detailed conversation about your health history and current health and lifestyle goals, as well as go over your food journal. It’s my job to collect as much information as possible to try and get a clear picture of what your health priorities are.

In your follow-up visit, we’ll go deeper into my findings from the questionnaires and nutritional assessments, and answer any questions you may have. We will also cover your specific nutrient needs, and discuss simple tips and tricks that will help you succeed on your new health journey.

Following both appointments, I will email you a personal nutrition and lifestyle guide/plan giving you tools to help you improve your health and overall wellbeing.

*We can meet in-person and virtually.

Rates: $350


Reset Program - 6 weeks

The Reset program is for anyone who is looking to make nutritional changes and needs that little bit of extra support and guidance. It’s also a great option for anyone who is ready to address more complex health goals. We’ll focus on simple yet impactful changes that you will be able to implement after our time together.  

*We can meet in-person or virtually

Reset Program includes:

Initial consultation and follow-up (during your first two weeks), followed by four 30-minute sessions scheduled weekly

Meal planning support and food choice guidance

Nutrition and lifestyle guide/plan tailored to your unique health goals and bio-individuality

Unlimited email support during our time working together

Price- $750


To create long lasting change, it takes time to incorporate new habits and build resiliency. The Foundation and Empowerment Programs are designed for just that. It gives us time to dig deep into your symptoms and health concerns, implement changes at a pace that works for you, and track your progress and make adjustments as needed.


Foundation Program - 3 months

The root cause of a lot of health problems is that people are not digesting their food properly. You could be eating the most nutrient dense foods, but not properly absorbing the nutrients you’re consuming.

The Foundation Program focuses on nutrient dense food education and optimizing your digestion. By addressing digestion first, you are building a strong foundation for your health and wellness journey. With this approach many of your symptoms tend to decrease and your body will be much happier. I will guide and support you along the way.

*We can meet in-person or virtually

Foundation Program includes:

• Initial consultation and follow-up (during your first two weeks), followed by 5 bi-weekly sessions

• Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your unique health goals and bio-individuality

• Follow-up Functional evaluation (available to in-person clients)

• Symptom burden analysis comparison

• Meal planning support and follow-up food journal assessment

• Unlimited email support during our time working together

Price- $1350

*Grocery store walk through as an optional add-on $99 (local clients)
I will accompany you as you shop, teach you how to read labels, and steer you towards the most healthy options and impactful foods for you and your family.


Empowerment Program – 6 months

This program is all about getting you to a place where you feel confident enough to soar on your own. My goal is to empower you to be able to listen to your body and what it’s telling you in order to take your health into your own hands. It’s for anyone committed to making big changes and those who are looking for accountability, education, and support.

Throughout this journey, I’ll provide you with the tools you need to improve your health and wellness. By the end of our time together, my hope is that you feel comfortable enough to put everything you have learned into practice. And recognize that those things that you used to find tedious, have become part of your norm.

An essential part of the empowerment program, is understanding the importance of the mind/body/spirit connection, and how it relates to your health and wellness. This goes beyond making all the right food choices. It includes managing your stress, getting enough sleep, incorporating movement in any form daily, and connecting with others.

Empowerment Program includes:

• Initial consultation and follow-up (during your first two weeks), followed by 10 bi-weekly sessions

• Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your unique health goals and bio-individuality - refining as needed

• Follow-up Functional evaluations (available to in-person clients)

• In-depth symptom burden analysis comparison

• Meal planning support and follow-up food journal assessments

• Unlimited email support during our time working together

*We can meet in-person or virtually

Price- $2550

*Grocery store walk through as an optional add-on $99 (local clients)
I will accompany you as you shop, teach you how to read labels, and steer you towards the most healthy options and impactful foods for you and your family.


Payment must be made in advance of your service.

If you are unable to make your in-person or virtual appointment, please email me at least 24-hours in advance to avoid being charged the full amount.

The information provided by Kristen Matthews is intended for educational purposes only and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease or health issues. Kristen is not a doctor and the information she provides should not be considered medical advice. Please speak to a medical professional to be diagnosed with a health issue.