28-Day Perimenopause Program

Reframe & Renew, is a 28-day perimenopause program delivered daily to your inbox, that includes workouts and nutrition and lifestyle guidance, very specific to the years leading up to menopause. Hormones are involved in every aspect of your health, and changes start to happen during perimenopause.

The average age of perimenopause is 47, and is the 2-10 year transition to menopause. While everyone’s experience will be unique because of bio-individuality, there are general steps you can take that will prepare you and help establish a strong foundation. And it will only benefit future you to pick up some new healthy habits.

Because of women’s shifting hormones, our bodies have different requirements than they did even just a few years prior. Making small changes now can be hugely beneficial to the future of your health.

I personally started experiencing symptoms of perimenopause in my late 30s and felt very lost and unprepared. I created this program with the hope of educating and empowering women during this transition. My goal is to open a conversation and bring awareness to something that can be full of emotions.

While the program has been designed to do in 28-days, you will have access for 3-months.




Each email will included a daily topic along with one or more of the following - advice and recommendations on food/nutrition, lifestyle factors (sleep, stress, nature, community, etc) information about Perimenopause, link to the workout or breathing exercise, and a forum prompt. My goal with the forum is to create a community and a place to ask questions, share stories, and to connect.


Each week you will have access to five workouts; two weight training, two Pilates, and one focused on stretching/mobility. Many of the workouts utilize props such as dumbbells, a stability ball, and bands to help build strength. In your daily email you’ll have a link to that day’s workout. You also will be able to go back and do a previous workout throughout the program.


One of the best ways to help manage stress, is connecting back to our breath and slowing down. Stress wreaks havoc on our bodies and it can feel a bit extra during perimenopause and menopause. Very simple breathing exercises can get you into more of a parasympathetic state (rest and digest). Twice a week you will get a link to short breathing exercises to help calm your nervous system.


  • Light, medium, and heavy dumbbells for the workouts (the variety of weight will give you options and allow you to increase as you get stronger. For example a pair of 5 lb, 12 lb, and 22 lb weights). You know your strength best so choose for your body. If you are new to strength training I recommend keeping the range between 3-12 lbs. Not sure what to get? Adjustable dumbbells will give you many options. The goal is to exhaust your muscles by the 10-12 repetition range.

  • Resistance loop bands (I recommend also getting a light, medium, and heavy one for options).

  • A small stability ball.

  • A mat - while you can work out on the floor or a towel, there are some Pilates exercises that will feel much better on a thicker mat.



DISCLAIMER: This program is intended as information only. It should not replace any advice from your doctor. Before beginning a new exercise or nutrition program, consult with your doctor, especially if you have any health concerns.